Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Defining Media Relations

I think I am one of those people who love the KISS idea. Just Keep It Simple Silly!
Why go around the bush and make things difficult? While conducting my research I found two very interesting definitions of media relations:

The first is by Misukanis & Odden (an established PR agency in the States), please check out their blog which I think is the online 'bible' for media relations
"Media relations are those activities that involve working directly with persons responsible for the editorial (news and features), public service and sponsored programming products of mass media"Misukanis & Odden,2005

And of course Wikipedia:
"Media relations is the act of involvement with various media for the purpose of informing the public of an organization’s mission, policies and practices in a positive, consistent and credible manner"

Both provide an excellent definition. But let’s break the word in two- media & relations.
Media is defined as newspapers and broadcasting as conveying information to the public (Oxford Dictionary)

And relations according to is as follows:
relations, a.the various connections between peoples, countries, etc.: foreign relations. b.the various connections in which persons are brought together: business and social relations. c.sexual intercourse.

I don't think c applies here. So, media relations simply means: Connections between people (organization and journalist, editors) to use newspapers and broadcasting as tools for conveying information to the public. Simple as that!
Many in the corporate world ( I am speaking only from my experience), tend to forget this. Minute, unnecessary details are paid attention to, for example Johor Bahru or Johor Bharu in the press release. Instead of looking at the bigger and larger picture. Are the journalists given adequate information, are you talking to them (sincerely) or are you taking any effort after an event to keep in touch with them? The most important element in creating a good and positive media relations is Be Sincere and Give Them A Good Story. I was lucky to be on the both sides of this PR industry, as a journalist and PR. And honestly, there are some events that are organized by some big multinationals that are so not newsworthy. Of course, they want coverage. A lot of coverage! It is beyond me to understand how this works. Relations with the media is often based on NEWSWORTHINESS. If the event is newsworthy, they will come and they will love you for it. And if its not, please dont call them and ask them "Bila story ni keluar? When is this story coming out?" You can be happy if they say : In queue :)

Ok, so here is my definition of media relations:

"Media relations is the act of maximizing all media tools (print, broadcast, new media) to generate positive and free publicity for the organization.It is also maintaining a positive relationship with journalists, editors and writers"
Manminder Kaur, 2009

But how do you maximize it? How do you maintain a positive relationship with journalists, editors and writers?

Let’s keep that for the next post!